The Faith Based Committee assists in identifying faith based organizations and responding to needs of congregations before and during an event. This may include providing educational workshops and materials to congregations and the community, providing shelter in an event, and contacting individuals (especially shut-ins) during an event.
Additionally the Faith Team can:
Provide spiritual support to the general population
Act as a conduit for church support to help with food, volunteers, transportation and other needs
Work closely with mental health professionals/social workers and help with counseling and decision making
Talk and listen to those at the site
Become a supporter for PODs Managers, Emergency Management, and the PODs/Pandemic operation from pulpit, in the community, and when deployed to assist at the POD site
Be the third arm of the POD Manager when needed to provide assistance when others are busy on in difficult situations
It is also important o point out that the presence of clery that clients recognize adds credibility and another level of professionalism to the operation. Simply being there is an important task.

Indiana County HHSS Faith Team
2006 Initial Meeting at IRMC let by Pastor Ken Rudkin and Danny Sacco, IRMC
2009 Workshops for Pastors (D Sacco, T Monroe, S Bond, B Geiger) in Blairsville, Armagh,
Indiana and Marion Center
2010 Spring workshop – How Churches Can Help in a Disaster
Combined meeting with Emergency Management Coordinators (EMC)
2011 Regional meetings with EMC and pastors in Marion Center, Indiana
PODS at churches (Blairsville, Marion Center and Indiana)
2012 Indiana area pastors meeting
Meeting with EMC at TUM
2013 Church Safety and Security (2) with EMA and Mike Schmidt
Church Safety and Security Plans at Hilltop (T Monroe, J Lucas, and R May)
2014 Safety and Security Plans – Follow up
2015 Post Traumatic Pastoral Care – Dr. May at TUM
Father Willie and Dr. May at EMA – Lessons learned from Franklin Regional
2016 Into to Fire and Back – Rev. Monroe, Rev. Himes, Rev. Lucas and Dr. May at Citizen’s (W)
Drugs & Alcohol and Community Response – Canon Dr. Jay Geisler
2017 Meeting with LMC at EMA
So You want to Help; Churches and Local Disasters – Faith Team presenters
2018 Mental Health Response for Faith Community: Obstacles & Resources – Dr. May
Active Shooter/Emergency Preparedness – PSP Greenfield – three sessions (Blairsville, Indiana, Marion Center)
2019 Ready or Not? Emergency Preparedness Planning (PSP Greenfield, Rev. Nice, EMA John Pividori, small groups); repeated in Armagh, Advanced Planning (Marion Center, Blairsville, Indiana)
2022 Disaster Preparedness for Indiana County Faith Team Leaders- Meet & Greet with the Faith Team (Blue Spruce Park)
2023 So, the Disaster Happened, Now What? (Blue Spuce Park) Speakers from the Red Cross, PSP, and EMA